Luis Lopez Cardona
Software Engineer, JavaScript Enthusiast & Entrepreneur
Computer Science graduate and versatile Software Engineer.
Passionate about full stack development using JavaScript.
Interested in Cloud Computing, distributed systems and IT. Check
out my
Programing: Proficient with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React,
Sass, NodeJS, Express and Java. Familiar with VueJS, NextJS,
Mocha and Chai.
Technologies: Proficient with Chrome Dev Tools, MongoDB,
AWS S3, Docker, Git, GitHub Actions, Ubuntu Server, Bash and
- Languages: Proficient in English and Spanish.
Albion Square (09/2020 - 06/2022)
Built an open source market toolbox for a player driven economy
Automated MongoDB collection compilation from metadata repo.
Implemented responsive design and remained faithful to game UI
Implemented chart view components for current and historical
Built on React, Sass, Vite, ChartJS, Express, MongoDB, GitHub
and Heroku.
Focus with Pomo (05/2022 - 06/2022)
- Built a pomodoro timer and reminder productivity web app.
Implemented progress ring, repetition counter and reminder
Implemented user authentication and data synchronization across
- Implemented mobile first responsive design.
- Built on React, Firebase and GitHub Actions.
Wearable Smart Belt (01/2019 - 05/2019)
Collaborated with a multidisciplinary team to build an
accessibility belt.
Used an indoor positioning system library to track the belt
inside the user's home.
- Used text to speech to communicate location to the user.
Built on Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu, Bash, Docker, Find3 IPS and
Amazon Alexa API.
DynamoDB Mockup (01/2019 - 05/2019)
Built a replicated key-value distributed storage mocking
Amazon's DynamoDB.
- Built on Android SDK, Android Studio and Java.
University at Buffalo
Bachelor in Science, Computer Science
August 2016 - May 2019
GPA: 3.8